Understanding Educational Progress

Five Ways To Get A Better Grade On A Term Paper

Whether you are in high school or college, you will certainly be assigned a few papers to write as a part of your curriculum. Many times, these papers are worth a big portion of your grade, so it is very important to do well on them. Below, you will find a few tips to help you receive a higher mark on your paper no matter what the topic may be.

1. Hire a proofreader.

Even if the content of the paper is excellent, the reader will not think as highly of the content if the paper is riddled with typos and grammar errors. If you proofread your own paper, you will tend to overlook the errors you made. So, it's best to have someone else do your proofreading for you. Look for a professional proofreading service, and ask them to proof your paper for you. Document proofreading services will usually charge per word or per hour. A professional is more likely to catch grammar errors and other mistakes than a friend or classmate whose experience level is similar to your own.  

2. Start early.

There are people who can sit down and write a paper during one session, but they are few and far between. Most people do a much better job of writing when they work on a paper over time. This gives you time to let thoughts bounce around in your head and be considered before you write them down on paper. Something you think is a great idea the first time you sit down to write may later be discarded when you realize that it has some shortcomings.

3. Research from many sources.

One of the biggest mistakes scholastic writers make is relying on too few sources when writing a paper. Finding sources can be tough, so it's tempting to write your whole paper based on just two or three books or articles. However, what this results in is a limited perspective. You may lack evidence and explanations for certain claims you assert in your paper, which makes for a weak paper overall. You may also lack breadth of the topic. For instance, if none of your sources mention the history of your topic, you won't be able to cover this aspect, which may leave your paper lacking.

4. Outline, outline, outline.

If your paper is poorly organized, it won't matter how in-depth the content goes. The best way to make sure your paper is organized is to outline it before you begin writing. Make a "map" of your paper, including each section, subsection, and paragraph. If the organizational structure does not make sense, it is easier to move things around in your outline than it is to move entire paragraphs once they are written.

5. Ask questions of your instructor.

Your instructor probably gave you detailed instructions for writing the paper. If there is anything in those instructions that you do not understand, make sure you ask about it rather than making assumptions. Not only will this help ensure that your paper truly meets your instructor's expectations, but it will also show the instructor that you are interested in and dedicated to doing a good job. You may earn a better grade simply because your instructor knows you care about your work.

Writing a great paper is not that difficult if you follow the tips above. Start early, have someone else proofread your work, use plenty of sources, and start with an outline. If you have any additional concerns about the requirement or the necessary contents, be sure to talk to your instructor as soon as possible. 
